Olympics London 2012 - The Golden Girls are reuniting - Les Golden Girls réunies de nouveau

Two-time Olympic gold medalist Kerri Walsh is reuniting with Misty May-Treanor to go for a third consecutive gold medal in beach volleyball, the pair announced. The women plan to begin playing again this year to qualify for the London Games in 2012, they told NBC.

The 32-year-old Walsh, a star at Archbishop Mitty and Stanford, hasn't played much since the Beijing Games after having two children. She had planned to return this year to play with Nicole Branagh of Orinda. But her longtime partner told Walsh last week that she wanted to play again.
May-Treanor met with Walsh for lunch in Manhattan Beach to let her know that she wanted to play this season, the report said. May-Treanor had said he was taking 2011 off last summer.
"I'm extremely excited to partner with Kerri again, to go out and defend our Olympic gold medal and represent the United States," May-Treanor told NBC. "We feel very strongly that London will be a great Olympic Games."
Olympic qualifying for the 2012 London Games begins this year. The winningest women's duo in history will try to shake off the rust to regain their form.
Walsh has only played sparingly since their last gold-medal performance because she has given birth to two children.

May-Treanor, 33, and Walsh have never lost at the Olympics, winning all 28 sets of their 14 combined matches at the 2004 and 2008 Games.

Les médaillées d'or olympique deux fois Kerri Walsh et Misty May-Treanor ont annoncé qu'elles s'associaient de nouveau pour aller chercher une troisième médaille d'or consécutive de Beach Volleyball. Les Championnes Olympiques ont annoncé sur NBC qu'elles prévoient de commencer à jouer ensemble dès cette année pour se qualifier pour les jeux de Londres en 2012.
May-Treanor a rencontré Walsh lors d'un déjeuner à Manhattan Beach pour faire savoir à Kerri qu'elle voulait jouer cette saison. "Je suis extrêmement excité d'être associé à Kerri encore pour défendre notre médaille d'or olympique et pour représenter les Etats-Unis" a indiqué Mysty sur NBC. "Nous ressentons très fortement que Londres sera un grand cru pour les Jeux Olympiques."

Misty May-Treanor, 33ans, et Kerri Walsh, 32 ans, n'ont jamais perdu aux Jeux Olympiques, gagnant chacun des 28 matchs ensembles (14 matchs en 2004 à Athènes et et 14 en 2008 à Beijing).

source: NBC sports
